Legal Advice

Know where you stand and how to move forward with confidence

It can be overwhelming when you are thinking of separating or if you’ve recently separated. Maybe you’ve been trying to navigate the separation on your own and feel lost or overwhelmed, let us help you shine a light to a pathway which brings you clarity.
The Clarity Roadmap

To get you started, we offer a 90 minute consultation with a specialist family lawyer to advise on knowing where to start, what are your rights and entitlements, what are your options including developing a settlement strategy, understanding the roadblocks, how to clear the roadblocks and where you stand on all matters relating to family and relationship law. 

The cost of the consultation with an Accredited Family Law Specialist is fixed at $625 plus GST and is provided via phone or video conference. We will ask you to provide us with instructions prior to the conference so we can focus on giving you advice rather than spend time during the conference asking name, rank and serial number type questions. We’ll send you a link to the questionaire for you to complete beforehand. After the consultation, you’ll receive an action checklist to help you with the next steps. 

We cover all topics related to family and relationship law such as: 
- Care arrangements for the children
- Responsibilities for the children 
- Separating your finances, including assets and liabilities
- Financial support for the children
- Financial support for you
- Anything else to help you support you in your separation

Roadmap Price $625 plus GST
This includes:

Just need some once off advice?

If you just need advice for example on a “once off” basis, for all other aspects of family and relationship law which does not fit in the Clarity Roadmap consultation, we can also help by offering a 60 minute consultation with Sounita Viravout, Accredited Specialist in Family Law for a fixed price of $495 plus GST. It might be about the following issues:

  1. Parenting - dispute about ongoing children’s care/living arrangements and responsibilities for children ie. schooling, relocation, changing court orders, travelling interstate and overseas, financial support for the children.
  2. Finances/property - complying with court orders, hiding and depleting assets, disclosure of assets, third-party issues, loans from parents, enforcing court orders, enforcing Financial Agreements.
  3. Asset protection - if you are entering into a de facto relationship or marriage, we can advise you on the meaning of de facto relationships; advise you on the law as it relates to property settlements and children in the event of separation; how you may wish to conduct yourself or make decisions during the relationship or marriage as it may have an impact, if and when separation occurs; steps that can be taken during the relationship or marriage to ensure that on separation, the division of assets is a painless process; and advise you whether a legally binding document such as a Financial Agreement is necessary.
  4. Litigation advice and support - if you are in court and you are self-represented, we can offer strategy advice and information about the court process (we do not offer to review court documents or to draft court documents). 
  5. Family violence.
  6. Child protection.

Get started with a quick chat

It's normal to feel unsure, even if someone has referred you to us or you've been following us on social media. To see if we are the right fit for you, before you choose us we offer a free 15 min chat.

Duration: 15 minutes
Cost: Free
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Accredited Family Law Specialist
since 2013
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