Document Preparation

You’re at the finish line and ready to formalise the separation

Congratulations! Now let’s help you to formalise the agreement so that it’s official or more precisely let’s ensure it is legally binding and enforceable.
How we work

We can help turn that informal agreement (also known as 'kitchen table agreements') into a formal and official document, whether it includes parenting, finances/property or maintenance. There are a number of options available. We can advise you on the most suitable documents for your situation and expertly prepare the following documents:

Divorce Applications
If you are married, you may want to get a divorce to end all formal ties with your ex. In Australia, the term “Divorce” means to dissolve or to formally end your marriage. Once your divorce is granted, you may then re-marry. It is separate to dividing assets or settling care arrangements for children.

A good source of information is available on the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia

If you have been living separately for over 12 months, want to initiate a divorce, and desire a hassle-free and expedited process handled by us, schedule a meeting to quick start a stress-free divorce process.

Prices start from $1,100

Consent orders
An Application for consent orders, can cover an agreement about parenting, finances/property or maintenance and it is approved by the court. The court will consider that the orders you have asked for takes into consideration whether the parenting orders are in the children’s best interest and/or that the financial/property/maintenance are fair.

Prices start from $3,850

Financial Agreements also known as Binding Financial Agreements (or BFA's)
A Financial Agreement is a legally enforceable contract that covers a financial/property and/or maintenance settlement. There are a number of strict requirements that must be met before the agreement can become binding including each person obtaining their own independent legal advice before signing the agreement. We will take you through this process and assess whether a Financial Agreement is the most appropriate method to formalise your finances/property and/or maintenance agreement.

Prices start from $5,500

Binding Child Support Agreements
A written agreement between parents or carers about child support payments and/or financial expenses for children. Both parents must sign it and it can only be made if you've had legal advice.

Prices start from $3,500

Get started with a quick chat

It's normal to feel unsure, even if someone has referred you to us or you've been following us on social media. To see if we are the right fit for you, before you choose us we offer a free 15 min chat.

Duration: 15 minutes
Cost: Free
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since 2013
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