
Together – fairly, reasonably, empathetically.

We help couples to uncouple - we believe that decisions reached together are more successful and longer lasting simply because you made them together.
How we work

First we’ll sit with both of you (virtual or in-person) and actively listen. We want to meaningfully understand how you both feel about your situation, identify both the common-ground and where you differ. Doing this together creates an environment of openness and resolution. As the session comes to an end often we’ll have a series of steps needed to complete the separation. We’ll provide you both with an understanding of these steps and the costs involved but more importantly give you confidence in moving forward with your lives.

Is this right for you?

We see couples together, providing the same information and education around separation and the law so that you are both hearing it together and at the same time. We have found that our process is most effective when you meet with us at the beginning of your separation journey.

This approach is not suitable for everyone, are you both still talking? Is there a friendship or still the possibility of one, are you committed to working together to separate quickly and amicably  if you’ve answered yes to any one of these then our approach is right for you.

We are also available to take bookings for lawyer inclusive mediations. Reach out to us through email, phone or on the online enquiry form to make a booking or to request our mediator's profile with information about our fees.

Get started with a quick chat

It's normal to feel unsure, even if someone has referred you to us or you've been following us on social media. To see if we are the right fit for you, before you choose us we offer a free 15 min chat.

Duration: 15 minutes
Cost: Free
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Accredited Family Law Specialist
since 2013
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