
We believe the opportunity today is in providing fully remote expert legal services to modern practices, freeing you to focus on what matters

Sounita Viravout
Founder, Principal Lawyer & Accredited Family Law Specialist
How we work

We provide expert legal solutions to modern law practices by delivering family law services to law firm owners making it easy for them to outsource part of their legal function at a scale and cost that makes sense. 

We offer white label services and/or work behind the scenes to provide advisory or drafting services, which law firm owners can present to their own clients with their firm’s name. We can also act as a dedicated consultant as an extension of your team providing support and adding value to the firm’s business and clients. 

There are many ways to engage us, get in touch to find out more. 

Is this right for you?

If you are a busy and modern family law firm, law firm seeking to branch out into family law or a sole practitioner, we might be the right fit for you. The benefits of engaging us include: 

Flexibility or as need basis 
Engage us for short term or on a needs basis shaping your capabilities to changes in the market. 

Increase capacity 
Pass on our costs directly to your client by marking up, without doing the actual work yourself and still make a profit. 

Work smarter 
Clear your overflow or “too hard tasks” and free up your time to focus on growing your business to reach your financial goal and efficiency in operations.

High quality output 
Hire a specialist and be confident you will get work done to a high standard or have a specialist be available to you as a sounding board for those more challenging and complex matters. 

Remove investment in hiring 
Save time and money in the recruitment process, training and employee entitlements. 

Hire for skills 
Leave the “cultural fit” to one side and focus on the task at hand. 

* Similar to locum services but the difference is we help you with your legal work not the responsibilities of running your law firm.

Get started with a quick chat

It's normal to feel unsure, even if someone has referred you to us or you've been following us on social media. To see if we are the right fit for you, before you choose us we offer a free 15 min chat.

Duration: 15 minutes
Cost: Free
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Accredited Family Law Specialist
since 2013
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